
Literature on arbitration

Overview of publications

Ali, Arif H. et al, The International Arbitration Rulebook: A Guide to Arbitral Regimes, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2019.

Arnt Nielsen, Peter and Lett, Jesper, et al., Reform af voldgiftsloven, Advokatrådets Retsudvalg, 1st edition, Advokatsamfundet 2003.

Arnt Nielsen, Peter, International Handelsret, 3rd edition, Karnov Group Denmark, 2015.

Arnt Nielsen, Peter, Voldgiftstekster, 1st edition, Forlaget Thomson, 2008.

Bang-Pedersen, Ulrik Rammeskow et al., Den Civile Restpleje, 5th edition, Hans Reitzels forlag, 2020.

Bantekas, Ilias et al., UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: A Commentary, 1st edition, Cambridge University Press, 2020.

Berger, Klaus Peter, Private Dispute Resolution in International Business: Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, 3rd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2015.

Binder, Peter, International Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation in UNCITRAL Model Law Jurisdictions, 4th edition, Kluwer Law International, 2019.

Blackaby, Nigel et al., Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, 2015.

Born, Gary B., International Commercial Arbitration, 3rd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2020.

Born, Gary B., International Arbitration and Forum Selection Agreements: Drafting and Enforcing, 5th edition, Kluwer Law International, 2016.

Born, Gary B., International Arbitration: Law and Practice, 2nd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2015.

Brödermann Eckart, ’The Impact of the UNIDROIT Principles on International Contract and Arbitration Practice – The Experience of a Germany Lawyer’ (2011) 16 (3) Uniform Law Review 589-612.

Caron, David D., and Caplan, Lee M., The UNCITRAL Rules: A Commentary, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2013.

Choong, John, et al., A Guide to the SIAC Arbitration Rules, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2018.

Craig , W. Laurence et al., Craig, Park and Paulsson on International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration, 4th edition, Oxford University Press, 2021.

Ferrari, Franco, og Rosenfeld, Friedrich, Inherent Powers of Arbitrators, 1st edition, JurisNet, 2019.

Franck, Susan D., Arbitration Costs: Myths and Realities in Investment Treaty Arbitration, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, 2019.

Frank, Morten, Fortolkning af voldgiftsaftaler, 1st edition, Karnov Group, 2018.

Gaillard, Emmanuel, and Savage, John (red.), Fouchard Gaillard Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 1999.

Gharavi, Hamid G., International Arbitration Law Library: International Effectiveness of the Annulment of an Arbitral Award (International Arbitration Law Library Series), 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2002.

Gomard, Bernhard, Voldgift i Danmark, 1st edition, Gad Forlag, 1979.

Hanotiau, Bernard, Complex Arbitrations: Multi-party, Multi-contract, & Multi-issue, 2nd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2020.

Hanotiau, Bernard, and Schwartz, Eric A., Multiparty Arbitration, 1st edition, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), 2015.

Hertz, Ketilbjørn, Danish Arbitration Act 2005, 1st edition, DJØF Publishing, 2005.

Hjejle, Bernt, Foreningsvoldgift: Studier over Gyldigheden af Selvdømmeklausuler i retlige Fællesskabsforhold, 1st edition, Gyldendalske Boghandel: Nordisk Forlag, 1941.

Hjejle, Bernt, Voldgift, 3rd revised edition, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 1987.

Hobér, Kaj, International Commercial Arbitration in Sweden, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, 2011.

Holtzmann, Howard M., et al., A Guide to the 2006 Amendments to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: Legislative History and Commentary, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2015.

Holtzmann, Howard M., and Neuhaus, Joseph E., A Guide to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: Legislative History and Commentary, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 1989.

Hornslet, Mogens, Faglig Voldgift, bind 1-3, 1st edition, DA Forlag, 2008.

Iversen, Bent, International handelsret, 7th edition, Gjellerup, 2012.

Jenkins, Jane, International Construction Arbitration Law, 2nd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2013.

Juul, Jakob and Fauerholdt Thommesen, Peter, Voldgiftsret, 3. udgave, Karnov Group, 2017.

Kronke, Herbert, et al., Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards: A Global Commentary on the New York Convention, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2010.

Lando Ole, Den ikke-nationale handelsvoldgift i Blegvad, Mogens, et al. (red), Festskrift til professor, dr. jur. & et phil. Alf Ross, 10. juni 1969, 1st edition, Juristforbundets Forlag, 1969.

Lando, Ole and Blegvad Persson, Britt-Mari, et al., Konfliktløsning ved voldgift, Lund-Kbh, 1971.

Lando, Ole, International Handelsvoldgift, Udenrigshandelsretten IV, 4th edition, Juridisk Institut, Handelshøjskolen i København, 1997.

Lévy, Laurent, and Polkinghorne, Michael, Expedited Procedures in International Arbitration, 2nd edition, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), 2017.

Lévy, Laurent, and Veeder, V.V., Arbitration and Oral Evidence, 1st edition, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), 2004.

Lew, Julian D. M., et al., Comparative International Commercial Arbitration, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2003.

Lindencrone Petersen, Lars and Werlauff, Erik, Dansk Retspleje, 8th edition, Karnov Group Denmark, 2020.

Lookofsky, Joseph M. and Hertz, Ketilbjørn, Transnational Litigation and Commercial Arbitration: An Analysis of American, European and International Law, 4th edition, Djøf, Co-published by Juris Publishing, Inc., 2017.

Mistelis, Loukas A., Concise International Arbitration, 2nd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2015.

Moser, Michael J., and Bao, Chiann, A Guide to the HKIAC Arbitration Rules, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, 2017.

Moses, Margaret L., The Principles and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Nieuwveld, Lisa Bench, and Sahani, Victoria Shannon, Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration, 2nd edition, Kluwer Law International, 2017.

Park, William W., Arbitration of International Business Disputes: Studies in Law and Practice, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2012.

Petrochilos Georgios, Procedural Law in International Arbitration, 1st edition, Oxford University Press, 2004.

Paulsson, Jan, and Petrochilos, Georgios, UNCITRAL Arbitration, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2017.

Paulsson, Marike R. P., The 1958 New York Convention in Action, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2016.

Piers, Maud, and Aschauer, Christian (red.), Arbitration in the Digital Age: The Brave New World of Arbitration, 1st edition, Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Pihlblad, Steffen and Lundblad, Christian, et al., Arbitration in Denmark, 1st edition, DJØF Publishing, 2014.

Pihlblad, Steffen and Lundblad, Christian, et al., Praktisk voldgiftsret, med fokus på Voldgiftsinstituttet, 1st edition, DJØF Publishing, 2011.

Ragnwaldh, Jakob, et al., A Guide to the SCC Arbitration Rules, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2019.

Sanders, Pieter, Quo Vadis Arbitration? Sixty Years of Arbitration Practice, A Comparative Study, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 1999.

Sanders, Pieter, The Work of UNCITRAL on Arbitration and Conciliation, 2nd and Expanded edition, Kluwer Law International, 2004.

Scherer, Maxi, et al., Arbitrating under the 2014 LCIA Rules: A User's Guide, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2015.

Schiersing, Niels, Voldgiftsloven med kommentarer, 1st edition, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2016.

Shelkoplyas, Natalya, The Application of EC Law in Arbitration Proceedings, 1st edition, Europa Law Publishing, 2003.

Siig, Kristina Maria, Arbitration Agreements: In a Transport Law Perspective, 1st edition, DJØF Publishing, 2003.

Tufte-Kristensen, Johan, Voldgiftsdommerens upartiskhed og uafhængighed, 1st edition, Karnov Group, 2018.

Van den Berg, Albert Jan (ed), Yearbook Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer Law International, 1976 - 2020 (still published annually).

Van den Berg, Albert Jan, The New York Arbitration Convention of 1958, Towards a Uniform Judicial Interpretation, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 1994.

Von Goeler, Jonas, Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration and Its Impact on Procedure, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2016.

Waincymer, Jeffrey, Procedure and Evidence in International Arbitration, 1st edition, Kluwer Law International, 2012.

Webster, Thomas H., and Buhler, Michael, Handbook of ICC Arbitration: Commentary, 4th edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2018.

Weigand, Frank-Bernd, and Baumann, Antje, Practitioner's Handbook on International Commercial Arbitration, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 2019.

Woxholth, Geir, Voldgift, 1st edition, Gyldendal, 2013.

Ørgaard, Anders, Voldgiftsaftalen, 1st edition, Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, 2006.
